My Little Tristan

Posts Tagged ‘Kindergarten

As most has known, our family has moved to Shanghai, China and Tristan is going to begin his new life here in China. Most people were surprised, but Shanghai was where I met Jeanne, and where it all begun.

We did worry about Tristan’s life here, his english, his education, the cleanliness here, the weather. But it was a choice we had to make, and then try to make the best of it for Tristan. So far we managed to get a school for Tristan, with the help of a local friend of mine, who knows the principal of the kindergarten and we got a place even 2-3days before school starts. The school hosts 3 international classes, with foreign students, as well as a foreign teacher who teaches him in the morning, then followed by 2 chinese teachers in the afternoon. On the 1st 2 days of school, Tristan was all fine, but things started to change on the 3rd day, he has started crying and clinging on to us, when he reaches school. It was strange because he seems to be very independent when he went to school in Singapore.

There was a concern that whether he will be fine, and whether he is bullied in school, but after much deliberation, we concluded that it was the longer hours, and we know we have to “endure” through this difficult period. Luckily for us, there were other parents who told us that this is common and encourage us on.

Its been 2weeks plus, and Tristan has totally stopped crying going to school, and he nows enter class, running to hug his teachers, and then saying goodbye to me. Its tough for a kid his age to attend school from 8.30am-4.15pm, and I am proud of him that he is all grown up and got used to it. Now its just me to get used to waking up at 7.30am to get ready, and bring him to school.

May 2024

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